Monday, June 23, 2003

so, writing from mürren again, today i went to the top of the shilthorn via 2 trams. it reminded me of the good old snowbird tram, and i miss home. but it is beautiful here and the enormisoty of the mountains here is astonishing. they are just soo HUGE! i love the place where im staying, the Eiger Guest House; it is cheap, and has no star (*) rating, but it is homey and quite comfortable. i have a room with four bunks and i am with my two brothers. i must say that the food in europe is waaaaay better than anzthing you could get in the states. its just so... good! but there are some drawbacks. the milk here is sterlized, so you can keep it on the shelf, and not refrigate it-- it is terrible! it tastes like...really smelly socks, all blended up into a liquid... eew. They do have some strange thinking, though. For instance, in the southern france, most bathrooms dont have toilets... at least the ones we know and love. even if they do have toilets, they most likley didnt have seats on them; what they did have was what my family calls a "squatter"-- a hole in the ground made out of porcelain, even with little spots to put your feet! so while you are at home, remember to love your toilet and your cold milk and ice cubes

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