Thursday, August 07, 2003

well, i finally got my haircut today and i was thinking, as i was awkwardly telling the barber how I would like my hair cut, that someone should make a list of translations for people who dont speak "barber lingo". you know, like "I want a good haircut" would translate into "Take approximatley 2 inches off the top and use the #4 attachment for the back, to, you know, make it look goood." that would be an invaluble to my library of useful, important books."
heres my list of useful useless books, (books that are useless to be used for thier purpose (reading) but are extremely good for doing countless other things) and why.
-Anything by Jane Austin... for leveling crooked tables
-The Dictionary... To put your computer monitor on top of.
-Encyclopedias... for making a quaint coffee table that makes a statement.
I will try to add to this list periodically, (when i think of more useful useless books) so mabye never.

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