Monday, February 09, 2004

So I am still a genius... Don't forget it. Do you ever ride the bus? Public transportation is a wonderful achievement of the 20th century. The bus is great. Its never on time, but I guess ill get over it. So what is the deal with valentines day, anyway? A lot of card-giving, flower-buying, candle-lighting, and perfume wearing. sheesh. Why can't every day of the year be an excuse to show affection for the ones you love? And how many people actually know why we celebrate it? But I'm a stinker for tradition, and so maybe I will be one to make a card for that special person and go on a date. (I'm sure an attractive young lady would love to go on a date with me... If I was the only guy left on the planet...) the only thing I've ever done on valentines day was give little store-bought valentine (with my favorite cartoon on the front, such as Raphael from the teenage mutant ninja turtles) to everyone in the class with my name scrawled on the back, and go through my own valentines box afterward, searching for those conversation hearts, nerds, and suckers, and devouring them with such speed only hindered by my ability to tear off the wrapper. The attached valentines were thrown aside, only to be read the next day while trying to find one last piece of candy that possibly, in my frantic feeding frenzy the previous day, slipped through my fingers and nestled itself under the perforated portraits of pro wrestlers, princesses and pets.

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