Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Right now i have this really sick feeling in my gut because of the fact that the only person i know that actually looks at/has looked at this blog is colin. Not that i have anything against colin, (his fashion sense is way ahead of the crowd, not to mention that his beak really turns me on.) but i feeel like i am writing this to myself. well, the thing that really keeps me going is the fact that I, in spite of others opinions, swam all the way across the swimming pool underwater without taking a breath. That takes a lot of self control you know; like not giving somone a wedgie who has his undies hanging out and really deserves it because he just threw a needle-tipped dart at you and it stuck into your flesh. I had to tell myself, "just keep swimming..." about 200 times so i could make it across. In spite of everything that i have learned in this lifetime, i think what i learned today about pushing myself past the psycological limits ranks up there pretty high; right below 'never piss into the wind'.

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